
Tour of Rome

Spring tour 2014

Friends of FAI is delighted to announce our 2014 Spring Tour of Rome. A traveler arriving in Rome in the 18th century would find himself in a city of churches, but also of numerous private palaces and villas. Three hundred years later you will have the same impression of this city. Not only are the glories of ancient Rome visible in the Forum and elsewhere, but we can also view treasures from antiquity in the city’s private residences and collections.
Highlights will include: visits to many private noble residences including Palazzo Colonna, the residence of Duca Sforza Cesarini, the Castle of Prince Odescalchi on Lake Bracciano, and a private and very exclusive after-hour tour of the Vatincan Museums and the Sistine Chapel. Contemporary Art will also be a focus of our trip, with a visit to the celebrated Berlingieri Collection, and to the Valsecchi Collection.

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